Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow, redux...

...or, Yet Another Sign I'm No Longer in the South. (Along with truck commercials advertising cheap plows with every new truck, restaurants with snowmobile stations, and a lamentable lack of hush puppies.)

By my count, here in happ'nin' central Maine we've had 9 snowfalls -- counting flurries and dustings -- totalling about 21 inches of accumulation. So Sunday I'm watching the local weather, and the weatherma-- excuse me, meteorologist-- says "Looks like we could get our first measurable snowfall on Wednesday."

Apparently, if you don't need to measure with a yardstick, it doesn't count. Expectations are for 12-18 inches of snow -- stay tuned.


Susie Cupcakes said...

I wish we had snow instead of freezing rain blowing in 20-30mph winds. It's like having a million bb's flying around!

Brave Astronaut said...

There is a picture in my family's photo archives of my uncle shoveling snow from the first floor porch roof of my grandmother's house in Owl's Head.

We had mostly ice and some snow here in DC and now it's back to being colder than it should be again.

Stay warm and don't spill the hot chocolate on the archival documents.

Brave Astronaut said...

It's been a while, we're beginning to worry. How is that transplanted southerner faring in the great white north? This New Yorker now living in DC slogged around in six inches of fresh white snow yesterday after the ice of ten days ago.

Sports Chic said...

I know I'm late on this one, but LOL! We've just managed to get a nasty windstorm that sent an oversized tree limb through Dan's rearview mirror. And blow off some of the gutter guards that I just paid a lot of money to have installed. I guess that's what I get for deciding to become a homeowner.